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For most organisations, opening a new office is a considerable task. With IT being a significant part of the exercise, it can often provide a challenge for any IT service provider involved as there are so many things to coordinate, understand and execute successfully. This is especially important as there may well be changes necessary at the existing office(s) to support the new office, with other items to plan for.

Indeed, if this is the second office for an organisation, design decisions taken with the current office network will be tested and various changes will need to be taken into consideration and planned for. For example, network addressing and shared file and folder access as well as various other services provided by the network. This could include user authentication and key line of business applications which previously only had to be accessible from one site.

A new office may be a small satellite location staffed by just a handful of people where staff predominantly hot desk while in the field, or it may be much more significant and play a much larger role in the day to day operations and therefore have greater requirements.

aFinite have had the benefit of assisting our clients in establishing offices in the UK, Europe and the USA. As such, we are excellently placed to help you whether your new office is tens, hundreds or thousands of miles away from your current base.

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